Message for Pentecost

It was not a mighty wind or tongues of fire in that house where Mary and the apostles were gathered. Luke says that it was like a wind and tongues of fire: the reality was the Holy Spirit. It was He who filled them and gave them utterance. On that day the Holy Spirit entered the apostles and from that day He has built up the community established on them. It was the birth of the Church.

As we celebrate Pentecost this year the Holy Spirit wants to renew his life within us. He wants to give each of us that utterance which will make our neighbors hear Christ in our words and see him in our deeds. Painfully aware of how inadequate is our witness; today we nevertheless celebrate the Spirit who does manifest the life of Christ in and through us. He has done so for two thousand years despite all human sin and apathy, and He will continue to do so in the life of each of us.

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